Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016
Dispatches From an Actual Potomac Housewife. Episode Two - Snow Business
Here's how it really goes down in Potomac.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Claiming Spaces
In my daily life I’m always claiming little parts of public
areas as my own and I get really annoyed when people violate that. Even when I’m just standing, that is my
little patch of America! Pretty much I expect there to be a good 16 inch radius
minimum, around my person at all times. There is little worse than being
touched by people I don’t know. This is
why I avoid mosh pits and concerts without assigned seating. This is also why I hate summer because there
are few things as nasty as strange, moist skin on my skin.
My need for space also manifests itself at the grocery store.
I put that little stick down, put all my
stuff on the belt and then I put down the other plastic stick behind my order
because I am courteous like that, and for me it is like planting a flag! For those few moments that is MY real estate
and that piece of plastic is my own personal maginot line. Woe to he or she
that tries to cross it. If someone comes
behind me and tries to push my plastic stick forward to make more room for
their stuff I go - BANG, straight up, full on Richie
Cunningham on them: “Easy Bucko. This is MY portion of the belt! It is mine
until the checker finishes checking and then, by removing the second stick
bequeaths the lead portion of the belt to you. I don’t know where you are from but here we
have RULES!”
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
Dispatches From an Actual Potomac Housewife
Ever wondered if the show is 'real'? Click here and hold on to your Manolos to see how we really roll!
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
How my friend Andrea ruined 1.5 Billion dollars for me.
I had been having the best
time with this Powerball jackpot. Yes I know it is a tax on people who don’t
understand statistics but when it gets this big it’s worth a few bucks to
fantasize about what I’d do. 1.5 BILLION
dollars!!! Oh, I had me some big plans! It was going to be amazing. No more rubbing elbows with the huddled
masses, we’d fly private, the dogs would fly private! We’d clone the old sick
cat. My favorite phrase would be “Why
yes, I think I would like that.” My daughter and I had plans to create a farm to
house our collection of miniature animals:

tiny goats
sweaters for the goats too
and name him Shorty, simply BECAUSE WE CAN - and well a tiny giraffe would be beyond!
I would be able to exact
revenge on my most hated enemies and make the wishes and dreams of my most
beloved come true. I could hire Amy
Schumer, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to be my best friends and help me write a movie
about a talking cat because that cat on Sabrina
the Teenage Witch was such a disappointment. J Law and I would lay out by my pool together
and dink Miller Light and tell filthy jokes to each other. I could bring back
the t.v. show “The Swan.”
Then, I talked to my friend
Andrea, not you Andrea, this is “Ahndrayuh.” I was telling her of all my grand
plans and she said “Oh, I don’t play the lottery. I could never enjoy that money for it comes
from the broken dreams of thousands.” And just like that – BAM, door slams
shut, needle off the record – party over! Now I can’t enjoy the money either! I’d feel like I needed to track down every
sorry soul who bought a ticket
and give them a hundred bucks and I mean, how much time is THAT going to take? I might be made of money then, but it wouldn’t buy me all the time I needed to clear my soul. Thanks Andrea. Knowing my luck, I’ll probably win the whole thing now.
and give them a hundred bucks and I mean, how much time is THAT going to take? I might be made of money then, but it wouldn’t buy me all the time I needed to clear my soul. Thanks Andrea. Knowing my luck, I’ll probably win the whole thing now.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
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