I hate all these love songs that are based on the
supposition that all women hate all kinds of things about themselves and need
reassurance and validation from boy bands.
“All These Little Things” by One D is all about the things this young
girl ostensibly doesn’t like about herself but he just loves! I’m guessing this is the same girl that
doesn’t know she’s beautiful. Who would
even want to hang out with this girl who is so devoid of self confidence?
Why are we telling young women that this is some sort of
thing that they are supposed to be? Gee thanks Nial – good to know you love me
even though I “Still have to squeeze into my jeans.” The love songs that women write for men are
always all like “You are the greatest “. And the heartbreak songs are usually
all - “Why did you leave me?” or “You’re the worst!” It got me thinking, Why don’t women ever
write dumb songs like this about men? So I
did, just to highlight how dumb they are!
Loosely based on “These Little Things”, it is called
Your tiny man hands fit in mine
Like a masculine doll.
A GI Joe who never served,
come to life
who obsessively plays World of Warcraft in his mother’s
basement .
I know you aren’t psyched
To be a clerk at the last video store
They just can’t see
You could be so much more
I don’t mind paying half
Or taking the bus too
I love the man you are going to be….hopefully
I won’t let my friends know all these things.
They are cruel.
If they only knew,
how you cry after sex.
I know its only because I’m the best!
I’m the only one who knows the man
You will be someday…hopefully
You get tired if you run too much
Its probably because of your asthma
I don’t need a man who can run
cuz I’m pretty strong for a girl
and I do a lot of Tae Bo for fun.
I know you only got kicked out
Of your last place
Because they couldn’t appreciate,
that clutter fuels your creativity.
But your Call of Duty dexterity
Is pretty impressive.
50 achievements is total badassery!
I won’t let my friends know all these things
They are cruel
If they only knew,
How you cry after sex.
I know its only because I’m the best!
I’m the only one who knows the man
You will be someday…hopefully.
Oh one day you’ll have clean credit
And can be on the lease
Your warrants will be canceled
So we won’t have to worry
When we are stopped by the police.
I won’t let my friends know all these things
They are cruel
If they only knew,
how you cry after sex.
I know its only because I’m the best!
I’m the only one who knows the man
You will be someday…hopefully
I’m the only one who knows
The man you will be someday….hopefully