#1 - Contrary to popular belief, the world does not revolve
around you. Sure we make some
accomodations around the house here, the diapers were a big one, but as you get
older that’s going to diminish and you are going to have to snap to and
contribute something to this family.
#2 - I gave birth to you. I love you. I would take a bullet
for you. I DO NOT work for you. Pick up after yourself.
#3 - When you were
little, you were super adorable. You
cannot ride this forever. As you age,
you are going to need to bring the personality to compensate for the adorable
#4 - For my little
girl: batting your eyelashes will get
you: permission from Daddy, a date for prom and quite possibly a husband. It will NOT get you: RESPECT.
#6 - Choose your
friends wisely. They are the people who
will keep you out of prison and hold your hair when you vomit.
#7 - Your friends are cute and fun. They are also stupid. They are living Wikipedia. Do not trust them. Most importantly do not trust them on things
that pertain to sex or the laws of physics.
#8 - I’m totally happy to help you with ______________ but
you’ve got to give me a goddamned minute to answer you.
#9 - I yell so much because you are making me crazy. Before I had you my blood pressure was 80/60.
#11 - I’m happy to help you but not if you don’t try or make
some lame, spaghetti-armed effort. (See #2)
#12 - Sorry doesn’t mean anything if you do it again, like two
minutes later. (See #9)
#13 - In general, life is woefully unfair. By being born into this family and in this
country you have already gotten more than your fair share. Quit complaining about the extra gummy bear
your sister got.
#15 - I asked you nicely to empty the dishwasher not to mine
coal. Its not a lot. Trust me, you DO NOT want to get into a who’s
done more for whom around here contest with me.
#16 - Seriously, I do not have all day.
#17 - I heard you yelling my name the first time. I just didn’t answer in the hopes that you
would give up and figure it out yourself so I didn’t have to pause my program.
#18 - Dry your tears.
Of course I beat you at Scrabble, I’m 30 years older than you! Were you seriously under the impression that
you could defeat me?
#19 - The basic tenets of all world religions can be boiled
down to one simple phrase: “Don’t be an asshole.” If you follow this all your life: you should
be able to have a good set of friends, have and be a good spouse AND you should be
pretty well covered for the Afterlife and/or End of Days regardless of who is
running the show. Good luck.
#21 - NO.